Thank you for everything you do to communicate regarding your child’s absences. We have a lot of traffic in and out of our main office during the school day so we have procedures in place to be more efficient and smooth for our students and families.
When a student is coming into school late, you can sign them in ahead of time OR they can sign themselves in when they come into the office. You can drop them off, make sure they get in the front doors, and we will take it from there. When dropping off your student, there is no need for you to come into the front office with your child.
We strongly encourage you to fill out this google form ahead of time to expedite the pick up process. This not only helps the front office staff, but helps you get in and out quickly. We make every effort to call your student up to the office 5 minutes before the time you put on the form so they are ready to go when you get to the school. If you arrive before your student makes it up to the front office, we will have you wait for them in the first lobby.
We understand that sometimes you will not be able to sign your student out until you arrive at the school. In this case, we have posted a QR code in the first lobby and have added chairs for your convenience. As soon as the QR code is filled out and the entry pops up on our spreadsheet, we will call your student up. Please remember to bring your ID each time you pick up your student. If an ID check is needed, we will have you step into the front office. After that ID check we will have you wait for your student in the first lobby. We will have them meet you there as they come through the front office.
We have many times that the person picking up doesn’t know our procedures. Please share this information with your spouse, significant other, grandparents, siblings or anyone else that may be picking up your student.
As a reminder, always get a note from any type of appointment your student has for attendance purposes.
You can access the check in/check out google form here. A link is also in all of our newsletters, in our recent news section and it is also on our website under “Support” and then “Attendance”.
If your student is absent for a full day, you have 48 hours to call in with the reason for the absence, after that it will be marked unexcused. Per board policy, if a student is absent 10 days excused or not, absences will begin to be marked “unexcused” unless previously noted and approved by school administration or there is a doctor’s note provided to the school.
Extended Absences: Please notify the school at least 2 weeks prior to any extended absences via our Google form. You and your student will also need to sign off on our “Extended Absence Form” located in our front office. This form helps students and parents understand how to communicate with teachers and make up schoolwork after the absence.