Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA) – Session 2

Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies.

Click here to Register

Date & Time:

Session 2 Tuesdays and Wednesdays, December 3rd – March 5th (there will be 3 sessions that will run throughout the school year – you will need to re-register for each session)

Behavior & Illness

In order to maintain a safe learning environment, misbehavior will not be tolerated. 

  • 1st Warning: Child removed from group briefly.
  • 2nd Warning: Parents contacted.
  • 3rd Warning: Child removed from program. 

Any illness will be treated in the same manner as during the school day. Please don’t send sick students to school.

Program Design

Academic proficiency is an important district goal for all 

middle school students. Research shows that an extended school day learning opportunities positively affect student success. 

Achievement Acceleration Academy program includes:

  • Sixty minutes of targeted math (grades 6-8)
  • In addition, some eighth grade students may  have support focused on high school expectations and executive functioning in the spring
  • Transportation provided
  • Movement break and snack provided
  • Available at no cost to families

Please fill out the form on the back and submit it to your school to register for Achievement Acceleration Academy.

Erie Middle School