Erie Middle School
Tiger News
January 10, 2025
EMS Website: EMS.SVVSD.org
Hello Tiger Families!
Week Number ONE of 2025 is in the books…and we are back at it! It was amazing how quick the students got back into the swing of things, even though we had a few challenges with this latest cold snap.
We have a LOT going on, so be sure to check out this newsletter. Wrestling registration…PTO meetings….future EHS 9th grader course registration…musical auditions…things are movin’ and shakin’!
Have a great weekend

Thank you to our Sponsor!

It’s a new year and a great time to set the tone for the rest of the year. If you’re looking for help with some of that clutter or just doing a deep clean for your home or office, give our sponsor, Household Solutions, a call. They are a professional cleaning company based right in Erie. Household Solutions uses state of the art equipment, high quality products and the most effective cleaning techniques.
Wrestling Registration Opens on Monday, January 13th

Erie Middle School PTO Restaurant Fundraiser – Tuesday, January 14

You can get the PDF of this by clicking on the flyer.
PTO Meeting

We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming PTO Meeting on Thursday, January 16th, at 6:00 PM, held virtually on Zoom from the comfort of your own home! 🙂 This is a great opportunity for you to share your valuable input as we plan for important upcoming events:
- February Conference Meals
- Hope and Gratitude Event
- Teacher Appreciation
- 8th Grade Celebrations
Zoom Details:
Join the Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 2645 3040
Your feedback and involvement make a huge difference in creating memorable experiences for our students, teachers, and staff.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!
EMS Spring Musical

Does your student love to sing, act, or dance? Are they ready to take center stage? Then don’t miss your student’s chance to audition for this year’s Spring Musical, Once Upon A Mattress! Auditions will be held after school on January 27, 29, and 30, and each audition will take about 10 minutes. All audition materials and the sign-up sheet can be found in the resources folder on the Spring Musical page. Is your student not on the Musical page yet? No problem! Just have them email Mrs. Fenster or Mr. Gisclair to be added or if they have any other questions.
9th Grade Registration AT Erie MIDDLE School
Dear 8th Grade EMS Families:
We are excited to share that Erie High School counselors will be visiting Erie Middle School on Tuesday, January 14th to meet with our current 8th-grade students during our Advisory period.
The purpose of this meeting is to introduce students to their high school counselors and familiarize them with the high school registration process. During this visit, all students will meet with a counselor based on their last name. We realize not all students will attend Erie High School next fall; however, the information shared will help in the process for registration at other high schools as well.
Room assignments for these meetings are as follows:
- A – Co: Kurz’s Room
- Cr – G: Simms’ Room
- H – La: Kemp’s Room
- Le – Pe: Thompson’s Room
- Ph – Sp: O’Quinn’s Room
- St – Z: Morris’ Room
The Erie High counseling team will return on Tuesday, January 21st to guide students through the process of registering for their classes for next fall.
These visits are an important step in preparing our students for their transition to high school.
If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our 8th grade counselor Jerry Villareal ( [email protected]) or Registrar Ann Cisar ( [email protected])
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to helping your student get ready for this exciting next chapter!
From Erie HIGH School
Families are invited to attend Erie High School’s Pathway to Registration Night on Thursday, January 16th. Please check for an email from EHS or reach out to EHS for more information.
Colorado Rapids Attendance Incentive

We have partnered with the Colorado Rapids to reward and incentivize attendance here at Erie Middle school by giving students who have no more than 1 day missed from January 13th – February 7th a complimentary ticket to a Colorado Rapids match in the spring.
The Rapids boast one of the most family-friendly and fun game day experiences in town. Students who qualify will receive a ticket link voucher to redeem their complimentary ticket with purchase of additional discounted tickets. Vouchers will be redeemable for select Spring dates.
Please reach out to Mr. Tomasek with any questions!
Late Starts

Late starts occur on the first Wednesday of each month, with school beginning at 10:30 AM. Buses will run 2.5 hours later than their usual schedule. Please note, there is no late start in January. The next late start will be on Wednesday, February 5th.
Upcoming Late Starts:
Wednesday, February 5th
Wednesday, March 5th
Wednesday, April 2nd
Wednesday, May 7th
Main Street
For the safety of your student, please do not drop off or pick up your student on Main Street. Dropping off and picking up on Main Street also causes traffic build up. We have a drop off lane on the North side of the school off of Cheeseman Street. Please see the photo below for our drop off procedures.
Please DO NOT ENTER the bus pick up lane in front of the school between 7:40am – 8:10am and 2:40pm – 3:15pm. The teacher parking lot is also not a drop off or pick up spot for your student.

Student Fees

2024-25 classroom fees have been posted to your student’s Infinite Campus account. Please log on to your Infinite Campus parent portal and click on Fees.
If your family would qualify for free or reduced lunch, that designation will apply to your fees. Click here for the 24-25 Free/Reduced application. You will be notified from our district office about your qualification.
Infinite Campus parent portal account questions: please email [email protected]
Fee questions: please email [email protected]
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

Thank you for everything you do to communicate regarding your child’s absences. We have a lot of traffic in and out of our main office during the school day so we have procedure in place to be more efficient and smooth for our students and families.
We strongly encourage you to fill out this google form ahead of time to expedite the pick up process. This not only helps the front office staff, but helps you get in and out quickly. We make every effort to call your student up to the office 5 minutes before the time you put on the form so they are ready to go when you get to school. If you arrive before your student makes it up to the front office, we will have you wait for them in the first lobby.
When a student is coming into school late, you can sign them in ahead of time OR they can sign themselves in when they come into the office. You can drop them off, make sure they get in the front doors, and we will take it from there. When dropping off your student, there is no need for you to come into the front office with your child.
We understand that sometimes you will not be able to sign your student out until you arrive at the school. In this case, we have posted a QR code in the first lobby and have added chairs for your convenience. Please remember to bring your ID each time you pick up your student. If an ID check is needed, we will have you step into the front office. After that ID check we will have you wait for your student in the first lobby. We will have them meet you there as they come through the front office.
We have many times that the person picking up doesn’t know our procedures. Please share this information with your spouse, significant other, grandparents, siblings or anyone else that may be picking up your student.
As a reminder, always get a note from any type of appointment your student has for attendance purposes.
If your student is absent for a full day, you have 48 hours to call in with the reason for the absence, after that it will be marked unexcused. Per board policy, if a student is absent 10 days excused or not, absences will begin to be marked “unexcused” unless previously noted and approved by school administration or there is a doctor’s note provided to the school.
Extended Absences
Extended Absences: Please notify the school at least 2 weeks prior to any extended absences via our Google form. You and your student will also need to sign off on our “Extended Absence Form” located in our front office. This form helps students and parents understand how to communicate with teachers and make up schoolwork after the absence.
Recent Updates

Please check out our “Recent Updates”. Each week, our newsletter topics will be in this area. Clicking on the button that says “View all News” in the above graphic or below is the best way to see new topics and also any older information you may be looking for. Thank you!
To see this school years newsletters please visit our EMS website and look under the tab “About”.
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements
Lost and Found
The lost and found table is located in the main hallway. Smaller items of value, such as cell phones, AirPods, glasses, jewelry, and similar items, are kept in the front office. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated every Friday, so please encourage students to check the table regularly. To help us return belongings, please […]
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Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA) – Session 3
Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies. Click here to Register Dates and times: Session 3Â is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, April 1st – May […]
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Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
“Standard Response Protocol” outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.
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Code of Conduct
Dear Erie Middle School families, Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and […]
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Please visit the district transportation website to learn more about eligibility for transportation and to fill out the online application for transportation. Parents must complete a new bus rider application every school year. Bus passes will come directly from your students bus driver. Questions about transportation or about passes can go directly to the transportation […]
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School Payments
New Method for Paying Infinite Campus Fees Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus […]
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Traffic Flow Around EMS
For bus and student safety, please DO NOT ENTER the bus pick up lane in front of the school between 7:40am – 8:10am and 2:50pm – 3:15pm. The Parent Loop is located on Cheeseman St. on the north side of the school. Please DO NOT use the teacher parking lot as a drop off or […]
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Student Missing Assignments
On Monday, August 26th we will began sending notifications of students missing assignments. Going forward they will go out on Monday’s around 5 pm. If you have questions regarding an email you receive, please email your student’s teacher. Email addresses are on our EMS website under the Staff tab or OR you can log on […]
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Immunizations, Medications, and Health Plans
Now is a great time to make certain that your student’s vaccination and immunization forms are up-to-date. You can also drop off any necessary emergency/daily medications for your student, with the required accompanying paperwork, to the main office Monday – Friday, from 8 am to 3:30 pm. All Health Plans need to be updated and […]
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