Erie Middle School’s Weekly Newsletter 5/17/24

Erie Middle School logo with a tiger sitting on a scroll. To the right of the tiger is the words Erie Middle in orange. Below that in black is the words A Pre-Advanced Placement Focus School. There is a vertical gray line and then the St. Vrain Valley School District logo. It has the district name in maroon. A black graduation cap is over the "V" of Vrain. Under the district name in black are the words academic excellence by design.

Erie Middle School
Tiger News
May 17, 2024

Beach Bash Cookies!

Hello Tiger Families!

Normally I write these updates on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings. However, the life of a middle school principal can get pretty busy in May…and I am writing this while hanging out at our Beach Bash this afternoon. I tell you this, because I want you to know how delightful it is to be around our 8th graders today. They are dressed in their Hawaiian gear, and they are loving life. We started our day with a dance party and have ended our day with a bash.

Our PTO has put together an AMAZING event. Every little detail has been attended to: pizza, soda, cookies with staff faces (see pic), Kona ice, a photo booth, a melt down inflatable, gaga ball, and a DJ. Our students are enjoying the time together and having all sorts of good ol’ fashioned fun.

Also, parents, please take a moment to check out the Recent Updates section of our newsletter each week. This is where a lot of our information is posted.

Transportation Registration for Next Year

St. Vrain’s Transportation Department is dedicated to consistently delivering excellent service for our students and their families and we are currently preparing for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in having your child ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year, please apply for transportation services as soon as possible. St. Vrain’s Transportation Department makes every effort to accommodate as many eligible riders as possible. Apply for transportation services online.

Visit Transportation Services online to learn more about eligibility requirements.

From our EMS Library

Hello EMS Families

Just a quick reminder that all EMS library books are now due. We still have quite a few books checked out. Please help your student to locate their books and return them to the EMS library. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Monroe in the library  at [email protected]. Thank you!!

Lost and Found

Please have your student check the lost and found this coming week. We have several pairs of prescription glasses, jewelry, keys, headphones, ear buds, chargers and more. These items can be found in the front office. Large items such as jackets, hoodies and water bottles are on the lost and found table in our main hallway.

Recent Updates

Graphic that says Recent Updates and has a link to "View all News"

Please check out our “Recent Updates”. Each week, our newsletter topics will be in this area. Clicking on the button that says “View all News” in the above graphic or below is the best way to see new topics and also any older information you may be looking for. Thank you!

To see this school years newsletters please visit our EMS website and look under the tab “About”.

Thank you to all of our EMS Sponsors !

Thank you to our sponsor Graphic for Brittany Maracine with Edward Jones


The yearbook is finished! As communicated, only a limited number of extra copies were ordered. We expect to be sold out by yearbook distribution which is Tuesday, May 21st during Advisory. We will offer Venmo as a payment option on the day of our event. Or you can BUY NOW while supplies last at If you have already bought a book, thank you! If you are unsure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please email Mrs. Traci Jensen at [email protected].

Flyer that reads:
Order a 2023-2024 Yearbook - Erie Middle School.  
There is a QR code to scan to order.

Attendance Tips

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

Graphic.  Black background. Red circle that says Erie Middle School. Green square that says Be Here. Purple starburst that says Every Day. Light blue rectangle that says All Day.    Yellow starburst that says Attendance Matters!  White wording that is on the left of the graphic that says Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

If your student is absent for a full day, you have 24-48 hours to call in with the reason for the absence, after that it will be marked unexcused. Per board policy, if a student is absent 10 days excused or not, absences will begin to be marked “unexcused” unless previously noted and approved by school administration or there is a doctor’s note provided to the school.

Extended Absences: Please notify the school at least 2 weeks prior to any extended absences via our Google form. You and your student will also need to sign off on our “Extended Absence Form” located in our front office. This form helps students and parents understand how to communicate with teachers and make up schoolwork after the absence.

If you know your student will be absent, tardy or checking out of school please fill out this Google form.

Please provide the school with a note from the doctor, orthodontist, dentist, therapist, or any appointment each time you go.

PTO Connection

FINAL Longmont Dairy Milk Cap Collection

The final milk cap collection will be Friday, May 17th

8th Grade Beach Bash

Friday, May 17th, 3:15 – 5:15 PM

Beach scene graphic that reads 
Call for Volunteers
8th Grade Beach Bash
Help us make this end of year celebration the best ever!
1:30pm - 6:00pm
Click for more information

This is a FREE event for 8th grade students! There will be inflatables, food, Kona ice, music…and the debut of our new gaga ball pit! This event is sponsored by our AMAZING PTO, and we are so excited that students won’t need to bring money for the games, activities and food. We NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS to help. Click here to sign up to volunteer your time or items needed.

Want to donate money to this event to help cover the cost of this event?  Click here! We have some fun special things planned this year.

Graphic that says Your PTO

Recent Updates

View our latest news and announcements

Lost and Found

The lost and found table is located in the main hallway. Smaller items of value, such as cell phones, AirPods, glasses, jewelry, and similar items, are kept in the front office. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated every Friday, so please encourage students to check the table regularly. To help us return belongings, please […]

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Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA) – Session 3

Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies. Click here to Register Dates and times: Session 3 is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, April 1st – May […]

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Standard Response Protocol (SRP)

“Standard Response Protocol” outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.

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Code of Conduct

Dear Erie Middle School families, Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and […]

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Please visit the district transportation website to learn more about eligibility for transportation and to fill out the online application for transportation. Parents must complete a new bus rider application every school year. Bus passes will come directly from your students bus driver. Questions about transportation or about passes can go directly to the transportation […]

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School Payments

New Method for Paying Infinite Campus Fees Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus […]

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Traffic Flow Around EMS

For bus and student safety, please DO NOT ENTER the bus pick up lane in front of the school between 7:40am – 8:10am and 2:50pm – 3:15pm. The Parent Loop is located on Cheeseman St. on the north side of the school. Please DO NOT use the teacher parking lot as a drop off or […]

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Student Missing Assignments

On Monday, August 26th we will began sending notifications of students missing assignments. Going forward they will go out on Monday’s around 5 pm. If you have questions regarding an email you receive, please email your student’s teacher. Email addresses are on our EMS website under the Staff tab or OR you can log on […]

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Immunizations, Medications, and Health Plans

Now is a great time to make certain that your student’s vaccination and immunization forms are up-to-date. You can also drop off any necessary emergency/daily medications for your student, with the required accompanying paperwork, to the main office Monday – Friday, from 8 am to 3:30 pm. All Health Plans need to be updated and […]

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