Erie Middle School’s Weekly Newsletter 9/6/24

Erie Middle School logo with a tiger sitting on a scroll. To the right of the tiger is the words Erie Middle in orange. Below that in black is the words A Pre-Advanced Placement Focus School. There is a vertical gray line and then the St. Vrain Valley School District logo. It has the district name in maroon. A black graduation cap is over the "V" of Vrain. Under the district name in black are the words academic excellence by design.

Erie Middle School
Tiger News
September 6, 2024

Hello Tiger Families!

I want to say thank you for your understanding and patience today as we had two different hold events. As a reminder, a hold occurs when we need to minimize hallway traffic and movement within the building. This could be because of a medical event, a large spill, or even a student discipline incident, or other reasons where we need students to stay in their classrooms. During a hold, we do allow students and parents to enter and leave the building, as needed. This type of event is different than a secure or lockdown.

Our students and teachers did a great job today during the hold events. If you ever have any questions about our standard response protocols, please never hesitate to reach out to our main office at (303) 828-3391.

As we head into the weekend, I am looking forward to attending the first EHS home football game as well as the Public Ed on Parade event tomorrow in Longmont.

Have a wonderful weekend…and GOOOOOOO Tigers!

Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies.

Click here to Register

Date & Time:

Session 1 Tuesdays and Wednesdays, September 17 (there will be 3 sessions that will run throughout the school year – you will need to re-register for each session)

Behavior & Illness

In order to maintain a safe learning environment, misbehavior will not be tolerated. 

  • 1st Warning: Child removed from group briefly.
  • 2nd Warning: Parents contacted.
  • 3rd Warning: Child removed from program. 

Any illness will be treated in the same manner as during the school day. Please don’t send sick students to school.

Program Design

Academic proficiency is an important district goal for all 

middle school students. Research shows that an extended school day learning opportunities positively affect student success. 

Achievement Acceleration Academy program includes:

  • Sixty minutes of targeted math (grades 6-8)
  • In addition, some eighth grade students may  have support focused on high school expectations and executive functioning in the spring
  • Transportation provided
  • Movement break and snack provided
  • Available at no cost to families

Please fill out the form on the back and submit i

Please take a moment to check out the “Recent Updates” section below. This is where a lot of our information is posted. You can also scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for the EMS calendar and Quick Links to Schedules and the Attendance Link.

Please take a moment to visit our EMS website You can get information such as bell schedules, staff directory, athletics information, attendance, all of the newsletters from this school year and much more.

Gifted and Talented Referrals 

Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress.  In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas. 

Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.

The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please reach out to the grade level GT representative. 

Link to the Referral form

Jennifer Saless 6th Grade

Samantha Fenster 7th Grade

Jody Guzman 8th Grade

Referencia para Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos

Cada año, las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de St. Vrain Valley lleva a cabo un proceso para identificar a los estudiantes que demuestran capacidad excepcional o desempeño en una o más áreas académicas y que llenen los requisitos para recibir servicios para estudiantes Dotados/Talentosos.  Estos estudiantes regularmente demuestran un desempeño de por lo menos dos años sobre su nivel de grado en las áreas de fortaleza y requieren un grado de dificultad académico superior para apoyar su crecimiento y progreso educativo.  Además, estos estudiantes demuestran características de creatividad única y alta motivación en sus áreas de fortaleza. 

El periodo para recibir referencias estará abierto durante el mes de septiembre. La fecha límite para referir a sus estudiantes es el último día del mes de septiembre.  Las referencias recibidas después de la fecha límite serán consideradas conforme sean recibidas.  Al remitir una referencia, se le garantiza un repaso del perfil  del estudiante para determinar si es recomendable hacer pruebas adicionales.   El proceso de identificación exige un conjunto de pruebas y con frecuencia se lleva a cabo a lo largo del año escolar.  

El proceso toma aproximadamente 5 a 10 minutos para completar.

Enlace a la Forma de Referencia:  Forma de Referencia

Jennifer Saless 6th Grade

Samantha Fenster 7th Grade

Jody Guzman 8th Grade

Thank you to all that came to our Open House! We really enjoyed meeting so many of you and are excited to work with you. If you couldn't make it to our open house, but still want to volunteer this year, us the below QR code to tell us what you're interested in helping with!

If you cannot scan the QR code, use this link.

Restaurant Night! this Tuesday, 9/10/24 at.....
Latin & Mediterranean BORN 2020 Piripi Erie CO
Piripi will generously donate 10% of all sales, ALL DAY to EMS regardless if the consumer mentions EMS or not.  This offer is good on ALL purchases, so if you don't have time to dine-in, consider take out or a gift card!

Reserve Your Erie Middle School Yearbook Today!

Buy now for the lowest price of the year.

Purchase your yearbook using a Jostens Payment Plan.
Spread the cost of your order over three interest-free payments.

If you cannot scan the QR code, please use this link.

The word iPad with the Apple logo to the left of the word

If your student needs iPad help, have them fill out this “Request iPad Help” link. This can also be found on our EMS website under Support > EMS Student Forms > Request iPad Help. Our Media Tech will then call them to the library in the order of submission.

Graphic that says: Get your iPad insurance today!

We highly recommend purchasing insurance for only $25! The window to purchase insurance for this school year is August 1 – September 15 and can be paid via Infinite Campus.

What is it?
The iPad Damage Optional Insurance program is designed to help offset the costs of a lost or damaged iPad to families.

Type of damage Estimated Repair/Replacement Costs
Damaged iPad repair/exchange through Apple $303.05
Replacement keyboard case $109.95
Replacement iPad $583.00
Replacement iPad with keyboard case $677.95

Click here for more information about this program.

Front view of a yellow school bus

Please visit the district transportation website to learn more about eligibility for transportation and to fill out the online application for transportation. Parents must complete a new bus rider application every school year. Bus passes will come directly from your students bus driver. Questions about transportation or about passes can go directly to the transportation department at 303-702-7530.

Graphic.  Black background. Red circle that says Erie Middle School. Green square that says Be Here. Purple starburst that says Every Day. Light blue rectangle that says All Day.    Yellow starburst that says Attendance Matters!  White wording that is on the left of the graphic that says Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

Thank you for everything you do to communicate regarding your child’s absences. We have a lot of traffic in and out of our main office during the school day so we have procedure in place to be more efficient and smooth for our students and families.

We strongly encourage you to fill out this google form ahead of time to expedite the pick up process. This not only helps the front office staff, but helps you get in and out quickly.  We make every effort to call your student up to the office 5 minutes before the time you put on the form so they are ready to go when you get to school. If you arrive before your student makes it up to the front office, we will have you wait for them in the first lobby.

When a student is coming into school late, you can sign them in ahead of time OR they can sign themselves in when they come into the office.  You can drop them off, make sure they get in the front doors, and we will take it from there. When dropping off your student, there is no need for you to come into the front office with your child.

We have many times that the person picking up doesn’t know our procedures. Please share this information with your spouse, significant other, grandparents, siblings or anyone else that may be picking up your student.

We understand that sometimes you will not be able to sign your student out until you arrive at the school. In this case, we have posted a QR code in the first lobby and have added chairs for your convenience.  As soon as the QR code is filled out and the entry pops up on our spreadsheet, we will call your student up. Please remember to bring your ID each time you pick up your student.  If an ID check is needed, we will have you step into the front office. After that ID check we will have you wait for your student in the first lobby. We will have them meet you there as they come through the front office.

As a reminder, always get a note from any type of appointment your student has for attendance purposes.

You can access the check in/check out google form here.  A link is also in all of our newsletters and it is also on our website under “Support” and then “Attendance”.

If your student is absent for a full day, you have 48 hours to call in with the reason for the absence, after that it will be marked unexcused. Per board policy, if a student is absent 10 days excused or not, absences will begin to be marked “unexcused” unless previously noted and approved by school administration or there is a doctor’s note provided to the school.

Please notify the school at least 2 weeks prior to any extended absences via our Google form. An extended absence is 3 or more consecutive days.

You and your student will also need to sign off on our “Extended Absence Form” located in our front office. This form helps students and parents understand how to communicate with teachers and make up schoolwork after the absence. Your student can pick one up in the front office.

Graphic that says Recent Updates and has a link to "View all News"

Please check out our “Recent Updates”. Each week, our newsletter topics will be in this area. Clicking on the button that says “View all News” in the above graphic or below is the best way to see new topics and also any older information you may be looking for. Thank you!

To see this school years newsletters please visit our EMS website and look under the tab “About”.

Recent Updates

View our latest news and announcements

Lost and Found

The lost and found table is located in the main hallway. Smaller items of value, such as cell phones, AirPods, glasses, jewelry, and similar items, are kept in the front office. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated every Friday, so please encourage students to check the table regularly. To help us return belongings, please […]

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Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA) – Session 3

Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies. Click here to Register Dates and times: Session 3 is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, April 1st – May […]

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Standard Response Protocol (SRP)

“Standard Response Protocol” outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.

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Code of Conduct

Dear Erie Middle School families, Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and […]

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Please visit the district transportation website to learn more about eligibility for transportation and to fill out the online application for transportation. Parents must complete a new bus rider application every school year. Bus passes will come directly from your students bus driver. Questions about transportation or about passes can go directly to the transportation […]

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School Payments

New Method for Paying Infinite Campus Fees Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus […]

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Traffic Flow Around EMS

For bus and student safety, please DO NOT ENTER the bus pick up lane in front of the school between 7:40am – 8:10am and 2:50pm – 3:15pm. The Parent Loop is located on Cheeseman St. on the north side of the school. Please DO NOT use the teacher parking lot as a drop off or […]

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Student Missing Assignments

On Monday, August 26th we will began sending notifications of students missing assignments. Going forward they will go out on Monday’s around 5 pm. If you have questions regarding an email you receive, please email your student’s teacher. Email addresses are on our EMS website under the Staff tab or OR you can log on […]

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Immunizations, Medications, and Health Plans

Now is a great time to make certain that your student’s vaccination and immunization forms are up-to-date. You can also drop off any necessary emergency/daily medications for your student, with the required accompanying paperwork, to the main office Monday – Friday, from 8 am to 3:30 pm. All Health Plans need to be updated and […]

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Upcoming Events

Erie Middle School Upcoming Events

Quick Links

St. Vrain Valley School District School Schedules

Erie Middle School Bell Schedules

Attendance Link

Erie Middle School