Standard Response Protocol (SRP)

“Standard Response Protocol” outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.

This poster is titled "Standard Response Protocol" and outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.

Here’s a brief summary of the main protocols in an accessible format:

Lockdown ("Locks, Lights, Out of Sight"):

Students should stay out of sight, stay silent, and not open doors.
Adults lock doors, turn off lights, and move away from sight.
Hold ("In Your Classroom or Area"):

Students stay in classrooms and continue normal activities until further notice.
Adults close and lock doors, maintaining usual routines.
Secure ("Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors"):

Students return indoors, and adults lock exterior doors while continuing activities as usual.
Evacuate ("To a Location"):

Students and staff follow specific evacuation instructions to move safely to designated areas.
Shelter ("State Hazard and Safety Strategy"):

Safety measures depend on the specific hazard, such as tornadoes or earthquakes, with students and staff following procedures to stay safe.
This protocol helps ensure everyone knows what to do in emergencies, making it easier to respond effectively.
The image provides information about the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for parents and guardians in the event of an emergency at school. Here's an accessible summary of the key points:

SECURE ("Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors")
When it's used: There is a threat outside the building.
What happens: Students and staff are brought inside, exterior doors are locked, and activities continue as normal.
Should parents come to school?: Probably not. Parents should not come to the school during a secure event.
What if parents need to pick up students?: Secure events may limit access, but communication will be provided if the situation allows for pickup.
Will parents be notified?: Notifications depend on the situation. For brief or non-violent events, there may not be a need to inform parents.
LOCKDOWN ("Locks, Lights, Out of Sight")
When it's used: There's a threat inside or very close to the building.
What happens: Students and staff stay out of sight and remain silent while rooms are locked.
Should parents come during a lockdown?: No, it may not be safe. Law enforcement will handle the situation, and parents may be asked to lockdown if already on campus.
Should parents text students?: Communication is important, but students may not be able to respond during the initial phase of a lockdown.
Drills and Exercises
Schools may conduct drills to practice these protocols. Parents are encouraged to understand that drills may be unannounced to simulate real emergencies.
This poster emphasizes the importance of following school instructions during emergency situations and advises parents to stay informed through school communication channels.
Erie Middle School