Erie Middle School’s Weekly Newsletter 9/22/23

Erie Middle School logo with a tiger sitting on a scroll. To the right of the tiger is the words Erie Middle in orange. Below that in black is the words A Pre-Advanced Placement Focus School. There is a vertical gray line and then the St. Vrain Valley School District logo. It has the district name in maroon. A black graduation cap is over the "V" of Vrain. Under the district name in black are the words academic excellence by design.

Erie Middle School
Tiger News
September 22, 2023

Our students had a blast at our grade level assemblies!
Our assemblies were BONKERS! We had so much fun kicking off our fundraiser!

Hello Tiger Families!

It was an AMAZING week filled with lots of buzz and energy! Our students are getting into the swing of things…projects, advisory lessons, routines, and crazy assemblies. We have set an ambitious PTO fundraising goal of $20,000 as a school…with an ambitious payoff. My hair…orange! (Eek!)

Also, don’t forget to sign up for conferences via Meet the Teacher. An email went out earlier this week about it. Let us know if you need help signing up.

Have a great weekend!

7th Grade Team Sports with Mr. Collins

7th grade team sports experience games with less senses, in particular sight. Working on communication with heightened sense of hearing and awareness. Goal ball is a fun inclusive game for all! 

Photo of students playing a game on the gym floor with blind folds
Photo of students playing a game on the gym floor with blind folds

Erie Middle School

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences are September 25th & 28th and October 4th & 10th.  3:20 to 7:30 p.m.   All Conferences are in person this fall.  Conference time slots are 5-10 minutes in duration, depending on the teacher.

Have you set up an Infinite Campus Parent portal to review your student’s grades?  If not, please contact our registrar, Ann Cisar at  [email protected] If you are having problems signing on to Meet the Teacher, please call the school office at 303-828-3391.

Boys Basketball

Photo of the Erie Middle School gym

Registration for Boys Basketball will be open Monday, September 25th – Sunday, October 1st. Please click here to register.

School Dance

Graphic of people dancing with music notes above them.

We will have food, games and great music!

Date: Friday, October 27th

Time: 3:15pm to 4:45pm

Where: EMS 

Theme: Barbie and Ken – Barbie Dream WEBderland

Cost: $3 tickets will be sold the week of October 25th

From the Library

Graphic of the word Library with books and a paper air plane flying over the books.  Under that are the words Volunteers Needed in white lettering.

It is time for the Erie Middle School Book Fair!  We are looking for volunteers to help assist students and run cash registers at the book fair September 22-October 11.  If you have a couple of hours to volunteer, please click on the Sign-Up link below to see what is available and if there are any shifts that work with your schedule.  Together we can make this book fair a huge success!

Fall 2023 EMS Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up

Penny Monroe


Lifetouch school portraits flyer - if you forgot to order pictures you can still order at and you can use your student's ID number

We know it is a busy time for families and sometimes you forget to order pictures on picture day. If you forgot to order, we have great news. Families can now order their student portraits on using their student ID number.    

Retake picture day is flyer.

Retake day is scheduled for 10/19/23. If your student will be taking another photo, they will need the picture package on retake day to give to the photographer.

Gifted and Talented Referrals

 Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. Read more below in our “Recent Updates”. The deadline is quickly approaching.

St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive

Photo  of a band class with close up of a student playing a harp

Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program at the fourth annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building on 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on September 26 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or September 29 (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.
Learn more >>


Graphic.  Black background. Red circle that says Erie Middle School. Green square that says Be Here. Purple starburst that says Every Day. Light blue rectangle that says All Day.    Yellow starburst that says Attendance Matters!  White wording that is on the left of the graphic that says Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow

Extended Absences: Please notify the school of any extended absences (over 2 consecutive days) via our Google form. You and your student will also need to sign off on our “Extended Absence Form” located in our front office. This form helps students and parents understand how to make up schoolwork after the absence.

Daily Attendance Caller: Daily attendance calls indicating a student has a tardy or has an unknown absence from one or more classes go out every day at 4:30pm.

If you know your student will be absent or tardy, please fill out the Google form and it will be noted in our system.

Per board policy, if a student is absent 10 days excused or not, absences will begin to be marked “unexcused” unless previously noted and approved by school administration or there is a doctor’s note provided to the school.

The Musical SIX at the Denver Center for Performing Arts

Graphic for the musical SIX.  Six is in white lettering with a gold crown over the "I" and the words The Musical in pink lettering

Mr. Illanes is excited to offer the opportunity to see the critically acclaimed musical SIX at the Denver Center for Performing arts!  This opportunity is open to all 7th and 8th graders at EMS, an added bonus is that it will be on OPENING NIGHT of the performance! The deadline for permission slips is Friday, October 20th. Read more about this opportunity below in our “Recent Updates”.

PTO Connection

PTO Logo that is a black circle with the word Your in white and the letters PTO in orange and black tiger stiped lettering
Parent/Teacher conference meal sign up flyer

Link to Sign Up for meal items:

Link to Zeffy for monetary donations:

From Erie High School

We are excited to host the Briggs St. Bash again this year with the intention of bringing the community together for a fun evening playing games, meeting our high school students and athletes and watching the younger kids interact with the older kids!

When: Wednesday Sept 27th

Where: Briggs St

Recent Updates

View our latest news and announcements

Colorado Rapids Attendance Incentive

We have partnered with the Colorado Rapids to reward and incentivize attendance here at Erie Middle school by giving students who have no more than 1 day missed from January 13th – February 7th a complimentary ticket to a Colorado Rapids match in the spring.   The Rapids boast one of the most family-friendly and fun game day […]

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Lost and Found

The lost and found table is located in the main hallway. Smaller items of value, such as cell phones, AirPods, glasses, jewelry, and similar items, are kept in the front office. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated every Friday, so please encourage students to check the table regularly. To help us return belongings, please […]

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Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA) – Session 2

Through Achievement Acceleration Academy (AAA), Middle school students will strengthen their math skills and understandings during this extended day opportunity. They will receive small classroom instruction from high-quality St. Vrain teachers, allowing them to move towards grade level proficiencies. Click here to Register Date & Time: Session 2 Tuesdays and Wednesdays, December 3rd – March 5th (there […]

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Standard Response Protocol (SRP)

“Standard Response Protocol” outlines safety procedures for different emergency situations in a school setting. It provides instructions for students, staff, and parents to follow during emergencies.

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Code of Conduct

Dear Erie Middle School families, Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and […]

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Please visit the district transportation website to learn more about eligibility for transportation and to fill out the online application for transportation. Parents must complete a new bus rider application every school year. Bus passes will come directly from your students bus driver. Questions about transportation or about passes can go directly to the transportation […]

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School Payments

New Method for Paying Infinite Campus Fees Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus […]

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Traffic Flow Around EMS

For bus and student safety, please DO NOT ENTER the bus pick up lane in front of the school between 7:40am – 8:10am and 2:50pm – 3:15pm. The Parent Loop is located on Cheeseman St. on the north side of the school. Please DO NOT use the teacher parking lot as a drop off or […]

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